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Orchids in Black and WhiteUnder the Marquette InterchangeLakefront TreeIron Ore Dock in Marquette, MichiganOne of the Domes of Mitchell Park Conservatory in MilwaukeeAgave Plant in Black and WhiteIron Ore Dock in Marquette, MichiganIron Ore Dock in Marquette, MichiganIron Ore Dock in Marquette, MichiganWall of Highway Off-rampClouds and treesMilwaukee lakefrontMilwaukee City HallMirror ReflectionBlack and white abstract of a buildingThe Sunburst sculpture in downtown Milwaukee.Sunburst in the skyWind sculpture on the Milwaukee lakefront.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Black & White
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:black and white photographer, black and white photography, black and whites